Tuesday, May 22, 2012

[Manga of the Week] Tokyo Red Hood (5/20-26/2012)

Image Copyright goes out to Benkyo Tamaoki.

Fair warning, Tokyo Red Hood is an M+ rated guro comic about a loli who's ultimate goal is to get consumed by the big bad wolf. Yup, it's one of those closer to Grimm Fairy Tale versions of the Red Riding Hood story (not that the original children's tale wasn't dark enough). I'm not going to lie, I've been on a guro trip lately... er or should I say I've been on a showing off what I know of guro manga trip. I really want to find more like this one though because while it is guro, there are good reasons for the guro and there is an actual story. Ya, from my experience a lot of guro doesn't have story.

Oh snap! I know the perfect anime to put as anime of the week now that kind of is similar to this - Memnemosyme ~Rin Daughters of Darkness~ ;( I sure am not posting kid friendly stuff this time around.

# of volumnes: 4
Rating: Mature (21+)
Tokyo Red Hood is about an eleven year old girl who usually just goes by the name of Akazukin (Little Red Riding Hood). She has a sick obsession with a being known only as Mr. Wolf and wants nothing more than to be eaten by him to end her "immortal" life. Akazukin has lost all of her memories and doesn't even know who she really is. Her reason to want to be eaten by Mr. Wolf is not even known to her, instead it's a desire that is locked deep within her consciousness.
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