Wednesday, May 23, 2012

[Anime of the Week] Mezzo DSA (5/20-26/2012)

Image copyright goes out to Arms Corporation.

Not to be confused with the prequel Mezzo FORTE!
Mezzo DSA is one of those "girls with guns" anime but after watching 10 episodes I can say that this one does not focus solely on that aspect which makes me really, really happy. There are story arcs that last about an episode or so and I'm really liking the characters and voice talent behind the characters. It's a fantastic watch as the animation is crisp... too bad animation is no longer like this.

I tried finding a cool trailer.... but no luck so you're stuck with the opening video for the show.

# of episodes: 13
Type: original
Rating: OT
Synopsis:Mikura, Kurokawa, and Harada are the 3 members of the Danger Service Agency (DSA). Mikura is the brawn of the group, Harada is the brains, and Kurokawa is just a bitter ex-cop who likes to think he's in charge. They'll take on any job as long as it involves lots of danger and, of course, money. Their biggest case, however, could prove to be finding out why someone wants Kurokawa assassinated.
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